The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, Read by Neville Jason

THUCYDIDES: History of the Peloponnesian War (The) (Abridged)

Disc 1

The History of the Peloponnesian War (Abridged)

one. Play with flash player Book 1 – Chapter ane 00:06:02
ii. Play with flash player i.vii For in early times the Hellenes and the barbarians… 00:06:00
three. Play with flash player 1.xiii As time went on and Eurystheus did not render, Atreus… 00:05:43
four. Play with flash player i.xviii Even afterward the Trojan State of war, Hellas was however engaged… 00:05:44
5. Play with flash player one.23 Various, too, were the obstacles which the national… 00:04:49
vi. Play with flash player one.29 On the whole, even so, the conclusions I take drawn… 00:05:01
seven. Play with flash player Chapter 2: Immediate Causes of the State of war 00:01:58
8. Play with flash player Affiliate iii: Congress of the Peloponnesian Confederacy… 00:04:39
nine. Play with flash player 3.7 'We are at last assembled. Information technology has not been piece of cake to assemble…' 00:05:11
10. Play with flash player 3.12 'Such is Athens, your antagonist. And yet, Spartans…' 00:05:58
11. Play with flash player iii.17 'Such, and so, was the result of the matter, and it was…' 00:04:56
12. Play with flash player iii.23 'Nosotros imagine that our moderation would exist all-time demonstrated…' 00:05:53
13. Play with flash player iii.31 'Confidence might perchance be felt in our superiority in…' 00:05:54
14. Play with flash player 3.38 'In practice we e'er base our preparations confronting…' 00:05:eleven
fifteen. Play with flash player Chapter 4: From the end of the Persian to the showtime… 00:05:25

Disc 2

The History of the Peloponnesian War (Abridged)

ane. Play with flash player Chapter v: 2nd Congress at Sparta – Preparations for War… 00:05:32
two. Play with flash player 5.7 'To apply these rules to ourselves, if we are now kindling…' 00:05:40
3. Play with flash player 5.12 'Your position, therefore, from whatever quarter…' 00:04:47
4. Play with flash player 5.xvi Spoken communication of Pericles to the Athenians on the carry… 00:04:58
five. Play with flash player 5.21 'The great wish of some is to avenge themselves on…' 00:04:39
half-dozen. Play with flash player 5.26 Dismissing all idea of our state and houses, we must… 00:04:fifteen
seven. Play with flash player Book 2 – Chapter half dozen: Beginning of the Peloponnesian State of war 00:05:00
eight. Play with flash player 6.half-dozen He accordingly took the precaution of announcing to… 00:05:55
ix. Play with flash player six.11 He, meanwhile, seeing anger and infatuation merely now… 00:05:37
x. Play with flash player 6.17 'For it is hard to speak properly upon a subject field where…' 00:05:05
eleven. Play with flash player half dozen.23 'If we turn to our military policy, there also we differ…' 00:05:forty
12. Play with flash player six.28 'Indeed if I have dwelt at some length upon the character…' 00:04:nineteen
13. Play with flash player 6.32 'These take equally your model and, judging happiness to be…' 00:04:31
fourteen. Play with flash player Affiliate vii: Second Twelvemonth of the War – The Plague of Athens… 00:03:34
15. Play with flash player 7.5 Externally the body was not very hot to the affect… 00:03:21

Disc iii

The History of the Peloponnesian State of war (Abridged)

one. Play with flash player 7.ix By far the well-nigh terrible feature in the malady was the… 00:05:55
2. Play with flash player 7.15 During the whole time that the Peloponnesians were in… 00:05:41
iii. Play with flash player vii.20 'If you compress before the exertions which the war makes…' 00:05:06
four. Play with flash player seven.24 'Besides, the hand of sky must be borne with…' 00:03:26
5. Play with flash player 7.27 For every bit long equally he was at the head of the state during the… 00:03:51
six. Play with flash player Chapter viii: 3rd Yr of the War – Investment of Plataea… 00:00:55
7. Play with flash player Volume iii – Chapter 9: Fourth and Fifth Years of the War 00:05:44
8. Play with flash player ix.8 Speech of the Mytilenean ambassadors requesting assistance… 00:05:56
ix. Play with flash player 9.12 'Such, Spartans and allies, are the grounds and the…' 00:05:26
x. Play with flash player 9.17 If, at the fourth dimension that this fleet was at body of water, Athens had… 00:05:46
11. Play with flash player ix.22 'The most alarming feature in the case is the constant…' 00:05:24
12. Play with flash player ix.27 'Our error has been to distinguish the Mytileneans…' 00:04:56
xiii. Play with flash player 9.33 Speech communication of Diodotus on Mytilene, in response to Cleon 00:05:37
14. Play with flash player 9.38 'At present of course communities take enacted the penalty of…' 00:04:39
15. Play with flash player 9.43 'Just consider what a blunder yous would commit in doing…' 00:04:50

Disc 4

The History of the Peloponnesian War (Abridged)

i. Play with flash player Chapter 10: Fifth Year of the State of war – Trial and Execution of… 00:04:55
two. Play with flash player 10.4 To your short question, whether we take done… 00:05:39
3. Play with flash player 10.9 'To such a depth of misfortune have we fallen that…' 00:06:x
4. Play with flash player 10.15 The speech of the Thebans 00:05:06
5. Play with flash player x.20 'Meanwhile, afterward thus patently showing that information technology was not…' 00:04:55
6. Play with flash player 10.24 'Such, Spartans, are the facts. We have gone…' 00:05:05
7. Play with flash player Civil state of war in Corcyra 00:05:56
8. Play with flash player ten.35 Oaths of reconciliation, being only proffered… 00:05:54
9. Play with flash player Affiliate 11: Sixth Year of the War – Campaigns… 00:00:23
10. Play with flash player Affiliate 12: Seventh Twelvemonth of the War – Occupation of Pylos… 00:05:31
xi. Play with flash player 10.52 To apply this to ourselves: if peace was ever desirable. 00:03:45
12. Play with flash player 10.55 Their arrival at once put an stop to the armistice at… 00:02:56
13. Play with flash player Chapter 13: Seventh and Eighth Years of the State of war… 00:05:fourteen
14. Play with flash player Chapter 14: 8th and 9th Years of the War… 00:04:12
xv. Play with flash player 10.64 'Some of you may hang dorsum because they have private…' 00:04:51

Disc five

The History of the Peloponnesian War (Abridged)

1. Play with flash player Chapter fifteen: Tenth Year of the War – Death of Cleon and Brasidas 00:04:08
two. Play with flash player 10.71 The Athenians and Spartans and their… 00:04:58
iii. Play with flash player 10.71 Chapter 16: Feeling against Sparta in Peloponnese… 00:02:58
4. Play with flash player x.74 I lived through the whole of it, being of an age to comprehend… 00:03:28
five. Play with flash player Chapter 17: Sixteenth Yr of the War –The Melian Conference… 00:05:05
6. Play with flash player 10.84 Athenians. The end of our empire, if end it should… 00:05:30
vii. Play with flash player 10.97 Melians. You may be sure that nosotros are as well aware… 00:04:31
eight. Play with flash player 10.104 Athenians. Some diversion of the kind you speak… 00:06:08
ix. Play with flash player Book 6 – Affiliate xviii: Seventeenth Yr of the War… 00:05:34
ten. Play with flash player 18.5 'Once more, some of the most powerful states have never withal…' 00:05:02
11. Play with flash player 18.ix 'When I see such persons now sitting hither at the side…' 00:05:41
12. Play with flash player 18.14 'What I know is that persons of this kind and all…' 00:05:thirty
13. Play with flash player 18.19 'Be convinced, so, that nosotros shall augment our power…' 00:05:21
14. Play with flash player eighteen.24 'I call up, therefore, that we ought to take not bad numbers…' 00:04:45
xv. Play with flash player xviii.28 Upon hearing this the Athenians at in one case voted that… 00:04:02

Disc 6

The History of the Peloponnesian State of war (Abridged)

ane. Play with flash player Chapter 19: Seventeenth Year of the War – Parties at Syracuse… 00:00:15
2. Play with flash player Affiliate 20: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Years of the State of war… 00:00:17
three. Play with flash player Book 7 – Chapter 21: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Years… 00:00:fifteen
4. Play with flash player Affiliate 22: Nineteenth Year of the War – Inflow of Demosthenes 00:01:51
v. Play with flash player Affiliate 23: Nineteenth Year of the State of war – Battles in the Great Harbour… 00:05:50
half dozen. Play with flash player 23.7 After this the Syracusans gear up a trophy for the bounding main - fight… 00:06:53
7. Play with flash player 23.11 The date of the balance was more of a voluntary nature. 00:05:36
8. Play with flash player 23.15 They thus succeeded in manning about ane hundred… 00:05:56
9. Play with flash player 23.20 After this address Nicias at once gave orders to man… 00:05:34
ten. Play with flash player 23.24 After the above address to the soldiers on their side… 00:05:34
11. Play with flash player 23.29 Meanwhile the two armies on shore, while victory hung… 00:05:43
12. Play with flash player 23.34 Dejection and self - condemnation were also rife amongst them. 00:05:58
13. Play with flash player 23.41 On that day they avant-garde about four miles and a half… 00:05:36
fourteen. Play with flash player 23.46 On the other manus, Demosthenes was, generally speaking… 00:05:18
fifteen. Play with flash player 23.51 At final, when many dead now lay piled one upon another… 00:05:20
16. Play with flash player Book viii – Affiliate 24: Nineteenth and Twentieth Years… 00:02:28
17. Play with flash player Editor's epilogue 00:02:51


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